leggle way exit or transfer to other co.
i get demond letter to a comany but not give him anay other paper.I give transfer paper to other co.But when this co apply for transfer in maktablamal. Thay said this person is reserved to other compny.my co. Said reservation automatically finished after 3month. After 3 month maktablamal give tanazal to first co without anay paper of my kafal becouse my kafal go on RED.now first co.said to me he had no need of my serves. And i cannseled my reservation through my kafal and my kafal is in RED. After 15 day my aqama date is finished.my kafal is not able to renew my aqama. What is leggle way for nakalkafala.2nd can i go on exit after 15day with out renewval of aqama. 3rd my kafal is aligibal to put my exit in 15days when he is REd CATAGERY.
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leggle way exit or transfer to other co.
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