Looking for my Iqama and Passport
Assalamu Alaikum!
My name is Bashimar, i've been here in jeddah for the last 18 yrs and never been home. i need help how could i find my passport and my iqama, i had been supposedly transfered to one saudi guy in 2004, they were agreed with my original kafeel, however when i started working with the new said kafeel, he didn't do anything neither transfer me to his name, until he kick me out from his business. the day he kick me out from his company, i reported it to my original kafeel, me and my original kafeel went to him to get back my passport and my iqama, but the guys whom suppose to be my kafeel were hiding from us. until now am trying to locate this guy but i was failed and couldn't find him at all. please need your help on how to get even just my passport number. since i don't have copy of it. am holding only xerox iqama since then, my iqama number is 2112993692. am looking forward to hearing from you sir.
 Views: 5398
Looking for my Iqama and Passport
Answers (2)
11 years ago
Dear Abdul Aziz,
Thank you very much indeed for your kind and honest answer to my question. furthermore, i would like to ask where to approach to get even my passport number only, since i gad checked my passport and iqama in our consulate, but to no avail, it says my passport haven't surrender yet. honestly am not running away from sponosr, actually he transfered me to mr. Aljehani, but mr jehani didn't work for my transfered even though my real sponsored gave him my passport and iqama. when my real sponsor found out that mr. jehani didn't transfered me to his name, my real sponsor canceled my visa in order mr. jehani couldn't give it to other people. me and my sponsor were going to jehani place, but he hide us and never show us until my sponsor got his chance to go to australlia and left me hanging for so many years. please help me....
Jazaka-Allah Khair!
Abdul Aziz
11 years ago
your iqama expired from 9/4/1425 u r status is in Huroob

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