Need importer From china and india check details.
Anybody importer from Riyadh contact for me to buy some products that i will give sample and other details.just they want to buy for me on commission basis.
please contact me on my MOb. buy from china.
 Views: 1286
Need importer From china and india check details.
Answers (2)
12 years ago
Dear Sir,

I am an Indian based in Jeddah. I have visited china four times and have good knowledge of the chinese market. I can bring you any item of your choice from china and India. Contact me on 0544644384 (ziad)
12 years ago
Dear Sir,

I am an Indian based in Jeddah. I have visited china four times and have good knowledge of the chinese market. I can bring you any item of your choice from china and India. Contact me on 0544644384 (ziad)

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